Practice Areas

Civil Litigation and dispute resolution

– Represent clients in litigations in relation to civil law (debts, property rights, matrimonial and family law, inheritance issues), commercial...
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Matrimonial & Family Law

– Divorce legal services (by mutual agreement or litigation) – Divisions of assets in divorce process – Child custody

Real Estate Transaction and Tenancy

– Real estate acquisitions, mortgages and 、銀行按揭及抵押之公證書以及有關物業登記手續 – Drafting leasing agreements and signature recognition – 不動產分割及授權

Private Notary

– 制作授權書、認證繕本、公證認定等公證文書

China Notary Service

– 辦理中國內地的轉遞證明

Commercial & Company Law

– 設立公司、分支機構或代表辦事處 – 提供商業文書服務 – 處理股東協議、轉股合同、變更行政管理機關成員等事務 – 草擬、訂立及審閱不同商業協議

Criminal Law

– 提供刑法實體法及程序法方面之服務

Public Law & Administrative Law

– 辦理中國內地的轉遞證明

Intellectual Property

– 商標、專利、域名等工業產權的註冊 – 知識產權訴訟

Other Legal Services

– 法律諮詢服務 – 常年法律顧問服務 – 出具法律意見書 – 中英葡翻譯證明書

其他業務可致電28715268 / 28715368諮詢。