Paulino Comandante
Lawyer ‧ Private Notary ‧ China-appointed Attesting Officer
Paulino Comandante
Law firm and Private Notary
Paulino Comandante Law Firm & Private Notary, established in 1998, is a law firm that has been providing high-quality legal services to local and international clients in Macau SAR for more than two decades.

Service Features


    Paulino Comandante Law Firm & Private Notary, established in 1998, is a law firm that has been providing high-quality legal services to local and international clients in Macau SAR for more than two decades.
    Currently, our professional team is led by our founder, Paulino Comandante, along with three qualified lawyers. Besides being a prestigious and experienced lawyer in Macau, Paulino Comandante, is also a registered lawyer at the Portuguese Bar Association, a Private Notary certified by the Macau SAR government, as well as a China-appointed Attesting Officer nominated by the Ministry of Justice of the People’s Republic of China.
    Our practice areas cover an extensive and comprehensive scope of legal aspects, placing our priority on providing responsive, proficient and cost-effective services to each of our clients.

Civil Litigation and dispute resolution

-Represent clients in litigations in relation to civil law (debts, property rights, matrimonial and family law, inheritance issues), commercial and corporate disputes, intellectual property law, labor rights and administrative law.

Real Estate Transaction and Tenancy

-Real estate acquisitions, mortgages and 、銀行按揭及抵押之公證書以及有關物業登記手續
-Drafting leasing agreements and signature recognition

China Appointed Attesting Service

– 辦理各項中國內地的轉遞證明

Criminal Law

– 提供刑法實體法及程序法方面之服務

Intellectual Property

– 辦理商標、專利、域名等各類工業產權的註冊手續
– 處理知識產權訴訟

Matrimonial & Family Law

– Divorce legal services (by mutual agreement or litigation)
– Divisions of assets in divorce process
– Child custody

Private Notary

– 制作授權書、認證繕本、公證認定等公證文書

Commercial & Company Law

– 設立公司、分支機構或代表辦事處
– 提供商業文書服務
– 處理股東協議、轉股合同、變更行政管理機關成員等事務
– 草擬、訂立及審閱不同商業協議

Public Law & Administrative Law

– 提供有關行政程序及行政訴訟方面的法律顧問服務,代理客戶向行政當局,處理聲明異議或維護權益之訴訟或適當程序

Other Legal Services

– 提供法律諮詢服務
– 提供常年法律顧問服務
– 出具法律意見書
– 出具中英葡翻譯證明書

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